OneAudio for your phone has just been released!

Upload an audio fileUpload an audio file
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Unleash all your ideas in one audio at a time.

Icon of a star

Press to start recording

OneAudio will then create a clean note for you.

OneAudio Settings

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OneAudio AI - Transform voice recordings into clean summarized notes | Product Hunt

Plans for everyone.

Create, manage & transform your ideas in one place, now with OneAudio.

Now with 7 day money back guarantee


For those starting out & need help organizing ideas.


No cost

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Uses OpenAI GPT-4 model

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Up to 5 saved audio notes

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Up to 10 minutes of audio per month

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Record up to 5 minutes per audio


Perfect for transforming ideas & sharing them online.


Billed monthly

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Uses OpenAI GPT-4 model

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Unlimited saved audio notes

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Up to 1,200 minutes of audio per month

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Record up to 30 minutes per audio

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Upload your audio file

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Download your original audio files

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Bookmark your notes

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Rewrite your summaries using AI


Unlimited minutes, more features & more ideas. Take it to the next level.


Billed monthly

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Uses OpenAI GPT-4 model

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Unlimited saved audio notes

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Unlimited minutes of audio per month

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Record up to 40 minutes per audio

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Upload your audio file

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Download your original audio files

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Bookmark your notes

Check icon to represent feature is included in plan

Rewrite your summaries using AI